Wednesday 21 November 2012

Taking a sip

The movie, Sex and the City 2, is mostly drivel. A feast on the eyes with all the beautiful clothes and the amazing location, but everything else was mind-numbing.

However, for me, this scene is probably the best in the movie.
It does not get any more real than this.

I have two small children and have been married for almost nine years. Marriage and parenthood changes you. Mostly for the better, sure. But somehow in the process, the you you once was is no longer you. Once you become a wife and/or a mum, you get into that role and become mostly all that. And you are all that 24/7. You do forget who you are and you do need the time away to rediscover yourself. Nothing wrong with that at all. I think sometimes that women are made to feel guilty for wanting to have a break from that. But at the end of the day, a happy woman is a happy wife and a happy mother. And sometimes, that is all that matters. And if time away is what it takes, then time away is a good thing.


  1. Quite disappointed by this movie too. I thought it was too insensitive. The rest of the world was about to take a nose dive but these women were decked to the nines like money was no problem. I know I'm supposed to separate one from the other but still... -Dyames

  2. It was a bit discriminating and patronising wasn't it?! But oh, the show of decadence was a bit addictive. One can only but dream, hey?
